Vert Shock Review Revealed: The TRUTH Will Shock You!

One of the things I get every time I open my inbox is emails from people asking me if I tried Adam Folker’s Vert Shock program. For many months my answer was “No, I haven’t tried it“, but after a while I got tired of people bugging me with this question over and over and not being able to help them, so I decided to do something about it.
I knew I won’t have enough time to do the program myself because my schedule is just too packed, so I decided the best thing to do is to bring you my friend Phil here, who has tried the program on himself and tested it thoroughly and I asked him to share his thoughts about it.
So without further ado, Phil, the stage is yours…

Perfecting their vertical jump is what’s brought athletes like Jordan and Lebron to greatness, helping them earn a lot of respect for themselves and build their legacy. In basketball, the ability to jump high is a must requirement for completing even the most basic simple dunk.
For me, it used to be that my vertical was the source of all my troubles on the court because I simply couldn’t get that high off the ground. My problem was so bad that I just worked on improving other aspects of my game, giving up on being able to jump high, hoping that impressing people with my three-pointers and hit ratios would be enough to draw attention away from me being suck at jumping.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that my game needed to be well-rounded. Sure, every good player has their own special talent and skill, but there’s something to be said for mastering the fundamentals. I might not be able to slam the ball in the rim like Blake Griffin does (even though I wanted to), but I still needed to have a chance when playing under the rim.
So, I set about finding a solution. I trained hard by following any and all advice I could find on how to increase my jump. I made some progress, but not much, until I found out about Vert Shock by Adam Folker and decided to give it a try.

What Exactly Is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a new vertical jump training system developed by Adam Folker and Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington. It was made specifically to help athletes improve their vertical jump.
The program guarantees to increase your vertical by 9-15 inches in the course of just 8 weeks and have you dunking in no time. It’s a pretty bold statement and if you know me you’d know I don’t believe in fairy tales and magic solutions…
Nevertheless, I didn’t let it stop me from trying it because the guys who created it, Adam Folker and Justin ‘Jus Fly’, are pretty famous and their name is attached to this program so they won’t waste their time building a shitty product.

Who Is Adam Folker?

Adam Folker with Kobe Bryant
Adam Folker is the guy who created Vert Shock, already in high school Adam made a name for himself when he was selected as one of the top 5 high school basketball players in Canada. After that he played Division-I basketball in the NCAA for UC Irvine, and now he’s playing professional basketball player overseas.
But Adam wasn’t always a great athlete, he actually confessed that in his youth he could barely touch the rim (a lot like me) and that he wasn’t at all an athletic guy, which is quite a statement for a UC Irvine center that’s actually trained NBA players to dunk. When I heard that, I knew anything he had to say about vertical jumping would at least prove to be helpful to me.
Vert Shock and his Folker System is just one of the training programs he offers. This guy is helping not only athletes, but all sorts of people to get fit and improve their athletic ability.

Who Is Justin ‘Jus Fly’?

Seriously, if you don’t know who Justin Darlington is and you’re a passionate baller then you’ve probably been living under a rock for the past 2 years.
Justin Darlington aka ‘Jus Fly’ is one of the world sickest dunkers. It’s estimated that his vertical is 53 inches and he has used it to make himself a name by traveling the world winning some serious big boy dunk contests, including the Nike Dunk Contest with King James and Anthony Davis.
Justin ‘Jus Fly’ winning the Nike Dunk Contest With Lebron James and Anthony Davis

Jus Fly has also helped build this program and through his training and experience he discovered some really amazing hacks and techniques that can dramatically boost your vertical.
This guy is so damn good that the NBA even took him to train some big name players like DeMar DeRozan from the Raptors.

How Does It Work?

The system is broken down into 3 different phases. All the information comes in the form of a software with guides and videos that users can access online. The program is designed to be an 8 week training course.

Here’s a video that explains in more detail how the program works:

Already in the first stage, which is called the Pre-Shock phase, you may increase your vertical by 3 to 5 inches. This stage lasts for the first week and is designed to get your body ready for the training that is about to come.
Coming up next we have the Shock-Phase, which is a full 6 week phase that actually shocks the central nervous system and stimulates your muscles to react blazingly fast in order to create those high explosion leaps.
Finally, there’s the Post-Shock phase, which is simply for sealing in your newly obtained gains and making your muscles accustomed to the fast neurological response.


Up until now the secrets of Vert Shock were been used to improve the jump height of pros who were only on the elite level.
But what’s interesting about this system is that even though it was designed for pro athletes, in actuality it has proven to work for anyone on any fitness level, thus basically anyone who wants to improve his jumping ability and jump higher can benefit from Vert Shock.
Here are some of the benefits of the program:
  • vert-shock-resultsAn easy to follow step-by-step guidance.
  • Backed by years of scientific research and founded upon proven training principles.
  • Keeps you safe from injuries and overtraining (very important once you start jumping high).
  • Works on all the aspects of vertical jumping to help you get results faster.
  • Saves you time by avoiding ineffective techniques and focusing only on what really works.
  • Commitment to your results – the Authors Adam Folker and Justin Jus Fly guarantee to get you results.
  • Can help you add as much as 15 inches to your vertical!


There’s only one main reason why Vert Shock might not work for everybody, and that’s the fact that it’s not some sort of magical cure. While some may chase their dream of a higher vertical by going for special shoes and gimmicks, the truth is that being able to jump high is something that requires training and effort.
Vert Shock is a training program that takes being committed to results for a full 8 weeks. So if you really wanna see results there’s just no other way, you have to follow the instructions as-is and you can’t slack off. But if you do everything it says the reward is just priceless and you’re guaranteed to get the trophy.


When it comes down to it, if you really want to jump higher, you just found the best system on earth to do so. Any other way would simply be a waste of time.
Whether you’re old, young, or somewhere in-between, whether you’re a pro or just a person who likes to shoot hoops in his driveway, this system is the key to jumping higher and jumping better. As you can see from my results this program has really taken my game to a whole new level and it can do the same for you.
So if you’re still struggling to increase you’re vertical and you’re trying to get your hands above the rim, put Vert Shock to the test and give it a try, you’ll be amazed of how fast you can become a beast hopper if you train the right way.